I started working as a therapist in the field of eating disorders about 15 years ago. My choice to dedicate most of my professional life to this particular area of psychological and physical distress had been determined by many factors – personal issues, friends, relatives, my commitment to be able to help women like me to overcome their difficulties with food, body image and relationship with the others. I studied a lot and felt so enthusiastic and well prepared that it was never my intention to cause any harm to my clients. I always knew that mistakes and errors do happen in life and that they make us human. But making a mistake when caring for somebody who has come to me seeking help is completely another matter.


Dr. Anna Scelzo is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist. She has been working in the field of eating disorder for 15 years and she is a lecturer both in Italy and abroad. She coordinates a day-practice at a local hospital for the treatment of ED and has a private practice both in Chiavari and in Genoa. She is founder of Shasta Association especially dedicated in the prevention of eating disorders and body image issues through a work in schools. She is member of BPS as well as the SISDCA, the Italian Society dedicated to the study and treatment of ED. Since 2009, she has been a member of iaedp and now Chair of the International Chapter in Italy. She is author of the book “The drawing of the Souls. The use of Mandala for the treatment of eating disorders” (Zephyro, Italy).

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