Effective January 1, 2016

Summary of the iaedp MEMBERSHARE Privacy Policy:

  1. Introduction
    • The Introduction identifies iaedp MEMBERSHARE, the basic Services it offers and provides a brief overview of what this Privacy Policy covers.
    • iaedp (“Our”, “Us”, “We”) operates iaedp MEMBERSHARE (the “Site”), an entertainment website. The services the Site offers include applications, community pages, message boards, music and video services, and any other iaedp MEMBERSHARE (“Website”) related features, content, promotions, games or applications offered from time to time by Us including when accessed via the Internet, mobile or other devices (collectively, the “Services”).
    • As set forth in Our Terms of Use, the Site is a general audience site, is not targeted to children, and does not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 years of age.
    • This Privacy Policy applies to all “users,” including both those who use some of the Services without being registered or subscribing to Services and those who have subscribed to one or more Service, and/or have registered with Us to create a profile or enter a contest or sweepstake (collectively “Members”). This Privacy Policy describes Our collection and use of users’ personal information (e.g., information that identifies a specific person, such as full name or email address) where that information is not otherwise publicly available on the Services. We also provide information on the Site’s Privacy Settings and describe generally Our practices for handling non-personally identifiable information (e.g., interests, demographics and site usage) to the extent such information is associated with a particular user or user account.
  2. Submission and collection of Information
    • This section addresses the types of information that iaedp MEMBERSHARE collects directly from users and the collection of non-personally identifiable information via cookies and related technologies by, and on behalf of, iaedp MEMBERSHARE and third parties.
    • User Submitted Information
      • Registration Information is the information that Members must provide at registration in order to create a profile, subscribe to a Service or enter a game, contest or sweepstake (also called an “Account”), such as display name, email address and date of birth.
      • Public Information and Posts consist of your display name and, if you provide one, your display picture and your posts and comments on the Site outside of your profile (e.g., posts and comments made on other Member profiles and on general Site content, such as site provided photos, and in general site areas, such as community forums). Your Public Information and Posts are always public, which means they are available to everyone and will be displayed in search results both on the Services and on external search engines. However, when you post content or comments to another Member’s profile, that information will be disclosed consistent with that Member’s Privacy Settings.
      • Profile Content consists of information Members may add to their profile. It includes information and content you may add to your profile, such as gender, location, first, middle and last name, friends, comments and similar information. You can control whom you share some of your Profile Content with through your Privacy Settings accessible on your “Edit your Account” page.
      • Third Party Information and Content. If you access the Site or Services through a third party connection or log-in, your user submitted information may also include your user ID and/or user name associated with that third party service, any information/content you have permitted the third party to share with the Services, and any information you have made public in connection with that third party service (collectively, “Third Party Information and Content”). Third Party Information and Content obtained in this manner will be governed by this Privacy Policy, any applicable policy of the third party and the terms and conditions and/or terms of use for the Services.
    • Site collected Information
      • Site Activity Information. When users access the Site or Services, We may collect certain non-personally identifiable information about those visits. For example, in order to permit your connection to the Site, Our servers receive and record information about your computer and browser, including potentially your IP address, browser type, and other software or hardware information. If you access the Site from a mobile or other device, We may collect a unique device identifier assigned to that device or other transactional information for that device in order to serve content to it. We also may use cookies and other tracking technologies (including browser cookies, pixels, beacons, and Adobe Flash technology including cookies), which are comprised of small bits of data that often include an anonymous unique identifier. Websites send this data to your browser when you first request a web page and then store the data on your computer so the website can access information when you make subsequent requests for pages from that site. We may use these technologies to collect and store information about your usage of the Site, such as pages you have visited, search queries you have run, and advertisements you have seen. iaedp MEMBERSHARE may also use cookies and similar tools to relate your use of the Site to personal information obtained from you or a reputable third party. For example, if you have asked Us to provide you information about Our upcoming products or promotions, cookie and/or click stream data about your activities on the Site may allow Us to limit the materials We provide you to items We think you will find interesting, based on your prior online activities and preferences.
      • Third parties that support the Site by serving advertisements or providing services, such as allowing users to share content or tracking aggregate site usage statistics, may also use these technologies to collect similar information. We do not control these third-party technologies and their use is governed by the privacy policies of third parties using such technologies. For more information about third-party ad networks that use these technologies, contact us at blanche@iaedp.com.
      • Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies, but you can change your settings to notify you when a cookie is being set or updated, or to block cookies altogether. Please consult the “Help” section of your browser for more information (e.g., http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies). Users can manage the use of Flash technologies, including cookies, with the Flash management tools available at Adobe’s website, see http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/security/privacy_policy/faq.html. Please note that by blocking any or all cookies you may not have access to certain features or personalization available through the Site.
      • Third Parties. To improve the quality of the Site, We may supplement the information We collect with information from third parties. If you access the Site through a third-party connection or log-in, We may also collect Third Party Information and Content.
  3. Notice and Choice
    • This section provides information on users’ options to control how their information is collected and used, how iaedp MEMBERSHARE notifies users about future Privacy Policy changes, where iaedp MEMBERSHARE stores data, and third-party websites that may link to the Services.
    • Means of Notice and Choice. This Privacy Policy and your Privacy Settings are the primary means by which We provide you with notice and choice about Our collection and use of your personal information. We will not use your personal information in a manner different from what is described in this Privacy Policy without your permission.
    • Privacy Policy Changes. We may modify this Privacy Policy as necessary. If We make material changes to this Privacy Policy that expand Our rights to use your personal information, We will notify you to seek your consent. In the event the last email address you provided to Us is not valid or is not capable of delivering the notice to you, Our dispatch of an email containing the notice to that e-mail address shall nonetheless constitute effective notice.
    • Location of Data. The Site is hosted in the United States. If you are a user located outside the United States, you understand and consent to having any personal information you provide transferred to, processed and stored in the United States and other countries where data protection and other privacy laws may not offer the same level of protection as those in your jurisdiction, such as the European Union. This includes the use of cookies and other tracking technologies as described above. As a result, please read this Privacy Policy with care.
    • Linked Websites or Services. The Services may also be linked to sites or services operated by iaedp MEMBERSHARE affiliates (i.e., that are part of the iaedp MEMBERSHARE Group: “Affiliated Companies”) or third parties, and may carry advertisements or offer content, functionality, games, newsletters, contests or sweepstakes or applications developed and maintained by third parties, including, the online store. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of any such third parties, and once you leave the Site via a link, enable a third-party service, or click an advertisement, you should check the applicable privacy policy of the third-party site. Additionally, although all Affiliated Companies adhere to the iaedp MEMBERSHARE corporate Privacy Policy, users who visit an Affiliated Company site should still refer to its separate privacy policy, which may differ in some respects from this Privacy Policy.
  4. Use and disclosure
    • This section describes how iaedp MEMBERSHARE uses your information to provide and manage the Services, including when iaedp MEMBERSHARE may disclose your information to third parties that assist iaedp MEMBERSHARE in providing those services.
    • Information Made Public Through Use of the Site and User Privacy Settings
      • Members’ Public Information and Posts are always publicly available to anyone, including other users, search engines, advertisers, third-party application developers, and anyone else with access to the Services. Beyond your Public Information and Posts, you control what information you add to your Profile Content, and whether you want to restrict some of the information other users can see through your Privacy Settings. When your Privacy Setting is “public” your Profile Content is made available to any and all third parties. Additionally, when you post content or comments to another Member’s profile, that information will be disclosed consistent with that Member’s Privacy Settings. For users under 18, the Site does not permit you to make certain information public.
      • Third Party Information and Content may be publicly available according to the permissions you grant to the Site, the applicable policies of the third party and the terms and conditions and/or terms of use for the Site.
    • Site’s Use and Disclosure of Information
      • We only share your non-public personal information with non-affiliated third parties when We believe sharing is permitted by you or authorized by this Privacy Policy. In addition, We may share your Registration Information, Profile Content and Third Party Information and Content with Affiliated Companies.
      • We use the information We collect from and about users for the following purposes:
        • To provide and manage the Services. We use the information We collect from and about users to provide the Services and features to you including to measure and improve those Services and features, to personalize your experience by delivering relevant content, advertising and marketing messages, to allow you to participate in online games, contests or promotions, to enable you to communicate and share with other users, and to provide you with customer support and respond to inquiries. We may use aggregated, anonymous data about use of and activity on the Services to assist Us in this regard and such data is not subject to this Privacy Policy.
        • To allow third-party service providers to assist Us in providing and managing the Services. We may make your non-public personal information available to certain third-party service providers, such as contractors, agents or sponsors, who help Us manage or provide the Services, for example: developing or supporting products and features; conducting email marketing on Our behalf; processing payments; administering message boards; fulfilling orders; processing data or statistics; or assisting with the administration, judging and prize fulfillment aspects of contests, promotions and sweepstakes. These outside service providers are required to protect non-public personal information entrusted to them and not use it for any other purpose than the specific service they are providing to the Services.
        • To deliver relevant advertising. We may use the information you provide to Us, and information We collect about your use of the Site through cookies and other technologies, to assist Us in delivering you relevant ads when you visit the Site. We may work with third-party advertising networks and advertisers who help deliver these ads to you. We do not share your non-public personal information with these third parties, but We may share anonymized or aggregated information with them to improve the relevancy of the ads you see on the Services. As noted above, these third-party advertising networks and advertisers may also use cookies and similar technologies to collect and track non-personally identifiable information such as demographic information, aggregated information, and Internet activity to assist them in delivering advertising that is more relevant to your interests. To find out more about third-party online advertising and to opt out of this type of advertising, contact us at blanche@iaedp.com.
        • To allow other users to find you. In order to locate Members that a user may already know in the physical world and/or want to get to know in the online world, the Site may allow users to search for Members using information the user already knows, such as display name or email address and identifies users matching that search information.
        • To contact you. We may periodically send promotional materials (e.g., newsletters) or notifications to the email address provided to Us at registration or to your account. If you want to stop receiving promotional materials from Us, follow the unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of each email. There are certain service notification emails that you may not opt-out of as long as you are a Member, such as notifications of changes to the Site or policies.
        • To protect Our rights and the rights of Our users. There may be instances when We may disclose user information without providing notice or choice, including situations where We have a good faith belief that such disclosure is necessary in order to: (i) protect or defend the legal rights or property of iaedp MEMBERSHARE, Affiliated Companies or their employees, agents and contractors (including enforcement of Our agreements); (ii) protect the safety and security of users of the Site or members of the public; (iii) protect against fraud or for risk management purposes; or (iv) comply with the law or legal process.
        • To complete a merger or sale of assets. If We sell all or part of Our business or make a sale or transfer of Our assets or are otherwise involved in a merger or transfer of all or a material part of Our business, We may transfer your information to the party or parties involved in the transaction as part of that transaction.
  5. Security
    • This section describes iaedp MEMBERSHARE security measures.
    • The Site uses reasonable administrative, technical, personnel and physical measures to safeguard user information in its possession against loss, theft and unauthorized use, disclosure or modification.
  6. User Control and Account Cancelation
    • This section informs users how to access and change their personal information stored by iaedp MEMBERSHARE, and how to cancel their accounts.
    • User Control and Account Cancellation.
      • By clicking on your user name on the upper left hand corner of the Site and visiting the “Edit Your Account” page, you can access or edit your Account Information. You may unsubscribe to the iaedp MEMBERSHARE newsletter by clicking the link at the bottom of the newsletter e-mail or writing to the Privacy Officer (see contact information in “Contact Us” below). You may also link or unlink your Account from third party service accounts under the “Linked Accounts” heading on the “Edit Your Account” page and also unlinking the Account through your account on the third party service. If you no longer want to use the Services, you may cancel your account by emailing Us at blanche@iaedp.com with the subject line “Cancel Account” and requesting the cancellation of your iaedp MEMBERSHARE Account. Remember that even after you cancel your account, copies of some information from your account may remain viewable in some circumstances. We may also retain backup information related to your account on Our servers for some time after cancelation for fraud detection or to comply with applicable law or Our internal security policies. Because of the nature of caching technology, your account may not be instantly inaccessible to others, and there may be a delay in the removal of the content from elsewhere on the Internet and from search engines.
  7. Contact Us
    • This section instructs users how to contact iaedp MEMBERSHARE.
    • If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact iaedp MEMBERSHARE at:
    • Via email: blanche@iaedp.com
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